Etherscan Cards
Etherscan Cards allows credible third parties in the Ethereum ecosystem to share useful information about addresses directly on the explorer.

Cards Integrated So Far
- Claimables - Claim potentially life-changing airdrops
- POAP Collection - Browse an address's POAP collection
- Token Security Detection - Highlights of potential risks in tokens
- Attestations - View onchain attestations received by an address
- Yield Opportunity - Discover opportunities for earning yield on your idle stablecoins
- DAO Activity - View an address’s governance score, total votes, and proposals
Add Your Card
We will initially work with a small number of partners, prioritizing those with a strong reputation and relevant use cases.
Interested in adding a custom card for your project across address pages on Etherscan?
Kindly fill out the form here.

Teck Yuan Lee
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